Huomasin ulkomaalaisella foorumilla jonkun saaneen jo Orionin 27. osan käsiinsä. Jos kiinnostaa lukea juoniseloste edellisestä osasta niin käykääpäs lukemassa se täältä. En suosittele lukemaan näitä uusimpia spoilauksia jos haluat pysytellä jännityksessä. Jahka mangan saan itse käsiini isompi juoniseloste ilmestyy Hopeanuolen Tomodachin blogiin.
Viime osassa oltiin jääty Orionin ja Masamunen yhteenottoon, joka huipentuu siihen kun Orion epäonnistuu Masamunen kaatamisessa.
Alhaalla on Andy ja muut jotka epäonnistuivat samassa tehtävässä. (Varmaan Rocketkin on siellä, kun viime osassa hän lähti Andyn perään). Orionin hyökkäyksen jälkeen Masamune onkin kallion päällä, jossa Akakama odottelee häntä. Irlanninsusikoiran hyökkäysyritys epäonnistuu samalla tavalla.
Akakaman hyökkäyksen jälkeen Masamune hyppää jostain syystä takaisin alas. Gin huomaa sen ja lähtee perään (mahdollisesti suojellakseen Orionia).
Masamune on selvinnyt jokihässäkästä ja onnistuu pääsemään kalliolle uudelleen taistellakseen Yamabikon kanssa. Rigel kuitenkin suojelee häntä tiiviisti. Manga loppuu Rigelin ja Masamunen mittelöön, jonka lopputulos on epäselvä. Mitä osapuolille kävi?
Kuvalinkit (c) RiKy
Pohjana RiKyn viesti ulkomaalaisella foorumilla
Vielä hieman lisää, tosin englanniksi.
VastaaPoista- Orion charges towards Masamune, who is still hanging from the cliff. Just as Orion reaches him, fangs bared, Masamune leans back and Orion runs over his head and falls into the river below.
- Meanwhile, Kenshin and his group heard the howling and know that something is wrong, so they decide to leave and find out what is happening.
- Matheus has led his army into an open area, where the Ouu army is waiting for him. They are about to attack when they hear the howl of Unsai, who is also heading for Masamune's location.
- Masamune hears the howls too and recognises them to belong to Unsai. At that moment, Akakama arrives and challenges the dog to a fight. Masamune agrees and the two fight. Akakama is still injured from his previous fight and cannot dodge everything thrown at him.
- Masamune leaps onto his back and bites his neck, but Akakama refuses to fall and walks to the edge of the cliff, ready to throw himself and the other dog down into its depths. As he jumps, Masamune leaps from his back and lands safely on the top as Akakamafalls into the river.
- Rocket and the others who fell are safe and sound, and so is Orion, who notices Akakama fall into the water. He leaps in and saves him. The kai dogs manage to get the water from his lungs and although sceptical of their kindness at first, Akakama accepts it and cries tears as he comes to respect their kindess towards him
- the howling still rings throughout the mountains, heard by everyone there. Even so, Matheus orders his army to attack and a fight ensues with them and the Ouu army.
- Masamune, wanting to avoid fighting the Ouu army, leaps into the river to get to a better point to attack, Orion sees this and chases after him. Gin leaps down after him
- As the Ouu army fights, Weed and his little group (Sirius, Teru, a Koga dog and Kyouushirou) encounter Kenshin. Instead of a fight, though, Weed talks some sense into Kenshin and he joins them (I think anyway, someone will have to correct me on that)
- In the river, Orion and Masamune are being carried by the current, until Orion hits his head and loses his grip. Gin attacks Masamune but also hits his head and falls unconscious. Orion quickly leaps into action and saves his grandfather.
- The Ouu army are still fighting. George nearly kills Matheus but is interrupted by one of his minions. As the fight continues, Weed arrives with Kenshin, who help fight Matheus's group.
- Masamune has climbed back up the cliff and confronts Yamabiko. The young pup is saved by Rigel who leaps in and grabs Masamune, diverting him from killing his younger brother.
- The two dogs fight, but in the end Masamune pins Rigel down, with everyone watching helplessly.
kiva että olet laittanut jo nyt sarjasta proilereita.